Submit a Guest Post

Taking Guest Posts Submissions

We’re looking for posts and topics in personal finance, business, stock markets, investing, retirement. You don’t have to be super experienced or a NY Times Bestselling author. As a matter of fact, I definitely am not. This is a hobby and a passion. So don’t need to make it a job. What matters is that you like blogging and your writing is not 4th-grade or Yahoo! comments style. We welcome anyone who is passionate about FIRE or even Finance in general. If you have an interesting idea and would like to share, please feel free. I ask that you please adhere to the following criteria:

Requirements –
  • Minimum word count: 500
  • 100% unique content.
  • Excellent English grammar.
  • Must be well written. We’re going to review it.
  • 1 link anywhere in the content.
  • Be sure to include your bio with a link back to your blog.
  • Topics can include personal finance, FIRE, dividend investing, general finance, current news in Economics and markets.

After reading this, if you are still interested, please fill out the form below with your idea (not your article). I’ll e-mail you back and we can work from there. Afterwards, send me your article as an attachment via e-mail once we’re in communications. Be sure your article is original. As we know, duplicate articles across different websites will hurt viewership.

Additionally, if you have any other questions, please feel free to send them below as well. I will e-mail you back as soon as I can. I look forward to working with all of you.




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