Start Here!

Welcome to my blog! Thank you for taking your time to stop by! This blog covers both personal finance and investing

Hi! My name is Nero. Think of me as an online financial reference for tips and education regarding personal finance. I graduated from the University of Maryland with an MBA and a Master of Finance degree. I’ve completed all three levels of the CFA program, so I’d like to think that I might know a thing or two about finance (maybe…).

This is my blog and I will do my best to provide you with tips that help enable you to become more financially savvy and invest for your future. Thomas Stanley wrote in his book “the majority of millionaires in America did not win lottery or receive a huge inheritance.” No, the millionaire who lives next door earned their wealth through smart money and investing. Follow the information in this blog and start your path to “Millionaire-ism”.

Achieving Financial Independence and Retiring Early (FIRE)

There’s really just three basic steps to FIRE. Discipline is key and your worst enemy is you. Great discipline will warrant great rewards.

Here are the three steps:


start here

Step 1: Emergency Fund

Step 2: Pay Off Debt

Step 3: Invest

Continuing education…

Once you’re in a sound financial state, the learning doesn’t stop there.

Once you’re on Step 3: Invest, your goal will be to maximize income and minimize expenses until your nest egg is large enough to retire early. It doesn’t matter if you retire at 30 or at 55. Early is Early. Even at 55, you still have 10 extra years to do whatever you want.

I strive to provide lots of useful information regarding markets, investing, and personal finance. Never stop learning and track your progress over time, both as self-validation and accountability for your spending. Tracking your progress also helps keep you disciplined.

I use both and Personal Finance to track my spending and show my net worth over time. It’s just very pleasing seeing those graphs grow and I’m sure it’ll help you maintain focused.

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