Dividend Investing Wrap Up 2020 – $17,797.50

This post wraps up and summarizes the dividend payments for 2020, since I’ve received all the payments that’s been declared for 2020.

Below is the dividend payment calendar for 2020:

Highest Dividend Payment – S&P 500 ETF (SPY) – $3,976.70

This should come as no surprise. Given that my portfolio is structured as a core-satellite, with the core being SPY, then the majority of my dividend payments should come from SPY. This year I received $3,976.70 from SPY dividends alone. Not including any capital appreciation from the ETF itself.

Highest Dividend Payment That’s Not SPY – Realty Income (O) – $2,798.00

Okay okay, if you’ve ever talked to me about dividend stocks or REITs, then I probably annoying mentioned Realty Income. It is my favorite dividend paying stock of all time, paying out above 4% in dividends per year. I’ve written probably 2 or so other blog posts just talking about it. It’s a commercial real estate trust that pays out a dividend every single month. It’s the closest thing you’ll get to owning commercial real estate without actually owning commercial real estate. And the fact that it pays you a dividend every month is basically like having tenants pay you rent every month. And it leases its properties out to well known solid companies.

Lowest Dividend Payment – Visa (V) – $122.00

Visa is the lowest dividend paying stock in my portfolio, pushing out less than 1% per year.

Why do I have it?

For a couple of reasons. One, being that it’s increased its dividend payments over time, being a dividend growth stock. And two, that it’s also currently expanding both geographically and technologically. It’s attacking two fronts at the same time. And with the shift into mobile payments worldwide, Visa is positioned well for that. But you can read more about my reasons that I wrote on SeekingAlpha a couple years ago.

Changes for 2021

As of writing this post, I’ve liquidated a few positions to consolidate and boost up some of my current holdings. Also, I’ve bought into some companies that I believe will provide strong growth over the next five years.

Additionally, I’ve decided to add my Bitcoin holdings into my spreadsheet given that it’s up again and has a significant portion of my life’s portfolio.


  • Colgate (CL)
  • Clorox (CLX)
  • Coca-Cola (KO)
  • Domino’s Pizza (DPZ)
  • Duke Energy (DUK)
  • Gilead Sciences (GILD)
  • Home Depot (HD)
  • Hershey (HSY)
  • Nike (NKE)
  • Proctor & Gamble (PG)
  • United Health Services (UNH)
  • Verizon (VZ)

Increased Shares

  • Apple (AAPL)
  • Mcdonald’s (MCD)
  • Microsoft (MSFT)
  • Realty Income (O)
  • Visa (V)
  • S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

New Buys

  • Amazon (AMZN)
  • Alphabet (GOOGL)
  • Tesla (TSLA)

My beginning portfolio for January 1, 2021 looks like this:



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2 thoughts on “Dividend Investing Wrap Up 2020 – $17,797.50”

    • Hi Stan, I don’t rebalance my portfolio quite that often. Only if I start seeing one of my positions grow bigger than my main core position do I start rebalancing a little bit. But with dividend growth stocks, that sort of activity happens only once in a while.


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