Instant Pot Skyline Chili Meal Prep – $17.22 Total

instant pot skyline chili

My sister is home this week for my birthday and also working from home because she’s allowed to. Since we’re both hardcore mealpreppers, we decided to go big and make Instant Pot Skyline Chili.

It’s below freezing here averaging about -4°C so chili felt like a nice warm, fluid meal to eat with some bread or spaghetti. For my meal prep, I’ll be eating it with spaghetti, cheese, and onion. Or as they call it, a 4-way.

Instant Pot Skyline Chili

To preface, this isn’t my recipe. In fact, I’ll be using Instant Pot Skyline Chili recipe here from Yellow Bliss Road. The ingredients I’ll need are listed on her page so instead, I’ll be listing out the costs of each of these ingredients based on the prices in my area (DC Metropolitan area).

In addition, this assumes that you already have the spices you need at home so I won’t be adding in the costs to purchase spices. And I mean c’mon, every house should have a spice rack 😉

instant pot

Also, of course this assumes you have an instant pot at home. Otherwise this wouldn’t be called Instant Pot Skyline Chili.

  • Cheddar Cheese – $2.99
  • Beef Stock – $2.00
  • Spaghetti – $0.99
  • Tomato Sauce – $0.99
  • Tomato Paste – $0.67
  • 2 Packages of Ground Beef – $11.58
  • Yellow Onion – $0.45

Total Cost of Ingredients: $17.22

Btw, speaking of spices, we noticed this discrepancy at our local Giant Food grocery store. It would be cheaper to purchase the LARGE bottle of ground cumin instead of the small bottle. In fact, you would have saved $0.20 if you did.

ground cumin

All of the ingredients for Instant Pot Skyline Chili. My spices are all from McCormick, if anyone was wondering. These are the iconic bottles with the red tops. Some people prefer buying their own from an supermarket and grinding up their own spices. It’s probably cheaper this way instead of buying these pre-made spices. And probably tastes better too. But that is all up to you.

instant pot skyline chili ingredients

Prepping the Instant Pot Skyline Chili

Before even starting the recipe, we made sure to prepare everything first. This meant dicing up the onions and garlic. Here’s my sister giving me the evil look for Instagramming instead of helping.

prepping skyline chili

There’s a lot of spices used in this recipe. Since the Instant Pot Skyline Chili recipe instructs us to dump everything into the pot during Step 2, I decided to pre-measure out all the spices needed so that we can dump it all in the pot at the same time. Taking time to measure each spice and throwing it in would take some time.

skyline chili spices

The first part of the recipe involved browning the onions with the meat, Here are a few pictures of that process. This is the only part that requires manual cooking.

skyline chili 1

Continuously stir the meat with the onions until the meat is brown.

skyline chili 2

Once it’s brown, dump everything else in and set the pot to high pressure and time it for 25 minutes. It won’t start cooking right away as it needs to build up pressure first. But trust in the Instant Pot. Once it begins cooking, the timer will count down from 25. Once it hits zero, it will beep. Release the pressure valve at the top.

skyline chili 3


Finishing Touches

This is where you might want to taste it a bit. We found that it was lacking in a bit of flavor. We had forgotten to add salt and pepper into the pot, so we decided to do it now. Add salt and pepper until it tastes good to you. We used about 3-4 tbps. of each until the flavor came out.

Additionally, you can also throw in some hot sauce at this part to spice it up a little bit. Franks Red Hot is a popular choice.

Meal Prepping The Instant Pot Skyline Chili

I cooked spaghetti to eat with this chili. Cooking the spaghetti took about 10 minutes. Boil water, dump in the noodles, cook for a few minutes until it’s ready. Strain the water, let the spaghetti cool down. Then separate it into containers. Pour the chili over top and serve it with onions and cheese.

instant pot skyline chili meal prep

Voilà! Instant Pot Skyline Chili.

Our giant pot of chili was able to fill probably around 10 servings. I had a small bowl, my sister had a small bowl, and my dad had a small bowl. That, in addition to my 3 meal prep containers, represents around 4-5 servings. After we finished, my sister dumped the rest of the chili into one of my mason jars from my Ramen Meal Prep and was able to fill up an entire jar.

From this we can extrapolate that this batch can fill up around 10 servings.

With a total cost of $17.22, each serving comes out to $1.722 per bowl.

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16 thoughts on “Instant Pot Skyline Chili Meal Prep – $17.22 Total”

  1. That sounds delicious and incredibly easy to make. Meal prep is the way to go if you’re looking to save some money. Thanks for sharing this. We will definitely be using it in our home. We’re in the cold as well here in NY.


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